Since Google's Panda Update back in February of 2011, webmasters have been moving away from keyword density driven content to themed content. If you're a freelance SEO content writer and haven't started providing this type of copy to clients, you could be doing them a big disservice. Here we discuss why.
FYI, you can charge more for themed SEO articles - anywhere from $50 to $75 per article on the low end, on up to a few hundred dollars on the high end.
Why "Regular" SEO Web Content is No Longer Good Enough
In order to get rid of a lot of MFA (made for AdSense sites) - many of which were set up by spammers just to get clicks on those Google ads - Google cracked down on keyword-density driven content. You know, those short, spammy articles that repeat the same keywords over and over again just to rank high in search engines.
A search engine's job is to return the most relevant, "quality" results to web surfers. And by and large, most keyword-stuffed articles just don't do that. Many are nothing more than general info you can find all over the web - with the relevant keyword stuck in over and over again.
In order to prevent this, in its Panda Update, Google dumped a lot of sites that had this type of content in favor of those that followed what I call their "SEO writing guidelines."
These guidelines could be deemed the foundation of writing themed SEO content. As an aside, I reference Google here because it's by and large the most popular search engine. FYI, the three largest ones are Google, Bing and Yahoo!
What Exactly Is Themed SEO Content Writing?
Instead of focusing a specific keyword phrase, for example, themed web content focuses on a myriad of keyword phrases - in the same article.
Remember, search engines are just robots, they're not human. So, they if they read a block of content with the word "apple" in it, they don't know if you're talking about apple pie or apple computers. And this is what themed SEO content is all about. It helps search engines accurately discern what a piece of content is all about -- and keeps keyword stuffed content from rising to the top of search engine results.
The Difference between a Themed SEO Article and a Regular SEO Article
Let's explain by way of an example. Let's say you write a blog about homemade apple pies and you write a post about how to make an apple pie. Some of the "keyword" phrases that search engines would expect to find in that post are how to bake apple pie, apple pie recipe, make an apple pie, how to make a apple pie from scratch, etc.
See how there are many different " keyword phrases" there are and how they're all interrelated? Conversely, a keyword-stuffed, SEO article on this topic might just have the phrase "apple pie recipe" repeated over and over again.
Because themed SEO web content takes longer to write - and tends to rank higher in search engine results - as an SEO writer, you can charge more for it - a lot more.
Learn more about how to write themed SEO content, Google's SEO writing guidelines and 11 other things you need to know to succeed as a search engine optimization copywriter in 2013.
About the Author: Yuwanda Black heads New Media Words (, an SEO writing company. In 2007, she started earning $250+/day writing SEO content -- in less than three weeks! Via her search engine optimization copywriting course, she trains aspiring SEO writers how to do the same. You'll not only learn the nuances of SEO writing, but how to start a full-fledged, home-based freelance business offering this service to small and medium-sized businesses. You can take the course online or off (in Jamaica!).
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